"The Guest" is a situation comedy for children aged 9 and up, but suitable for everyone. The wonderfully quiet and orderly life of a couple and their servant is disrupted when a strange creature unexpectedly creeps into the house. The Guest is the story of how the foursome fight, ignore, negotiate, reconcile and try to keep their heads down. Together is bad, apart is worse. The performance was born at the Klaipėda Faculty of the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, where it was first presented as Luka Švėgždaitė's diploma thesis in directing, and then as the actors' final thesis at the festival Young Theatre Days. Now the performance is being revived on the stage of Telšiai Žemaitė Drama Theatre. Although the play is intended for a young audience, it is suitable and interesting for everyone. The creative team believes that the themes and absurd situations of the play are recognizable to everyone, regardless of age.