Vilnius JJAZZ Ensemble is an orchestra of professional jazz performers led by Lithuanian composer Jievar Jasinskis. The ensemble released their debut album "American Stories" in 2022. Original compositions for the ensemble were created by Jievaras Jasinskis and Liutauras Janušaitis. In January 2023, the ensemble presented the saxophone group's album "Saxcess", the collective's third album "Deadly dance", was released in June 2023, the album's composers are Jievaras Jasinskis, Dorotėja Būdaitė and Liutauras Janušaitis. Currently, the ensemble's composers Jievaras Jasinskis, Domantas Razmus and Simonas Šipavičius are preparing their fourth album Rave'n'Jazz.
In 2022, Vilnius JJAZZ Ensemble became the performers of director D. Ulvydas' film concert and the music of the movie "Vilniaus Pokeris" based on R. Gavel's book. The ensemble also took on the role of the flag bearer of Vilnius' 700th birthday and, together with the Vilnius City Municipality, presented the city of Vilnius with an unforgettable live music festival.