The organ cycle "Glorious Bodies" was completed by O.Messiaen in 1939. on August 25, a week before the start of World War II. This piece marks the evolution of Olivier Messiaen's musical language, combining elements of Indian classical music and Gregorian chant. Along with L'Ascension (1934) and La Nativité du Seigneur (1935), the piece is one of the composer's three early organ cycles.
In the cycle "Glorious Bodies" imbued with biblical mysticism, you can hear ornithological motifs, ancient Greek meters, Indian classical music and Gregorian chant melody. Its seven parts, based on theological motives, reveal the deepest religious experiences and experiences.
"My music always sings about my faith," said Mesian. A musical innovator, a Christian who became a member of the Catholic Church in his youth, O Messiaen went to St. The position of the organist of the Trinity Church. An important part of his legacy consists of religious works dedicated to the mysteries of faith - St. For the Trinity, Christ's Birth, Transfiguration, Resurrection and Ascension, St. For the sacrament, the resurrection of the dead, the colors of the heavenly Jerusalem and the splendor of the Eternal Church.
Organist Dainius Sverdiolas (*1956) organized many organ recitals in Lithuanian concert halls and churches, repeatedly represented Lithuanian music culture at organ music festivals in Lithuania and abroad, played the organ of the most famous Western European masters. His artistic interests include monumental works of the organ repertoire from different eras. However, the organist revealed himself most clearly when he prepared a series of 5 concerts of all O. Mesian's works. He delved into the work of this composer throughout his life. in order to reveal the beauty, sacredness and eternal greatness of organ music.