What have you heard about dinosaurs? Have you read anything about them? Do you know when they disappear? But with gerai apsidairei aplinkui, įdėmiai apsidārei įpsinājai ordinary things? Did you watch shooting stars? Did you close your eyes for a moment and plunge into the world of fantasy? We will open the door to your universe through which you will be able to observe the planets of the solar system, look at the dinosaurs from the right angle and understand the real reason for their appearance and disappearance.In the show, you will see the corners of the universe that no one has seen, you will learn how the universe is moving, why the extinct dinosaurs are like a person visiting Mars for the first time - something that no story with the knowledge of nature can describe in the guidebook. You will meet five cute dinosaurs, who unexpectedly find an immortal creature for them. A strange friendship started between them, helping them to realize how important their family is when mistakes are not bad, if they are victims.Its history, covering the entire universe of emotions, is reminiscent of simple trials, which are still important today, although they are still somewhat forgotten. So wait when you bring your best friend to the show, because not everyone can learn this story. The history that can be shared so that those who have not yet grown up is the imagination of the unstoppable.Mergaitė's role in the performance is played in the ballet studios "Baleto svvo" in Victoria.