The 2014 John Wick film exceeded all expectations and achieved huge popularity and cult status around the world. The ruthless and masterful killer, brilliantly portrayed by Keanu Reeves, has become yet another iconic film character. Now the fourth installment of the franchise is coming to cinemas. At the end of the third instalment, John Wick was badly wounded but survived to form an alliance with an equally badly disfigured former crime boss, played by Laurence Fishburne. As even the $14 million bounty on Vic's head proved ineffective, the High Council of Assassins gradually began to lose patience. As John hatches a new plan to defeat the Council, his path to that goal will take him through New York, Paris, Osaka and Berlin, leaving a rich trail of blood and inevitable doom everywhere. The film is in English with Lithuanian subtitles. Age limit: N-16