This is a special comedy that tells the story of three actresses who share the same make-up room all their lives and act on the same stage. They always support each other, they celebrate holidays together, they are also together in times of trouble, and those around them secretly call them the "three musketeers".Since her studies, she secretly dreams of creating a group and surprising all of Lithuania with her extraordinary talent, but she still can't find the right moment to start making it happen. But today is a special day! A phone call is heard, announcing that among the "three musketeers" is the one who will become the BEST MOVIE ACTOR this year. Unfortunately, only one!A cameraman arrives for an interview. Musical instruments suddenly appear on the stage, and another one of them will have the most important premiere of their life in the evening.Intrigue, jealousy, real tears, even more sincere laughter and live music on stage. Will this special day destroy the actors' friendship? The answers are coming soon in the comedy "Intriguing women".