The play "The Devil in Summer" was written in France in the same year and has not lost its relevance all over the world since then. This is evidenced by the fact that in 1985 Lithuanian National Television (LRT) filmed the TV performance "Possessed Devil" based on the already mentioned Michel Faure's play "LE DIABLE EN ÉTÉ" (1970). The play is a fictional story about the sale of atomic bombs to private customers for "personal use". The buyer is particularly attracted by the power advantage that having the bomb would give him over his neighbors. Only one thing is not appreciated: other neighbors can acquire the same weapon in turn. The author presents this farce with humor and sarcasm, regardless of the relevance of the threat of atomic weapons around the world. The interesting characters of the acting characters give the viewer the opportunity to take a comical look at the current issues of the modern world, and also, together with the characters of the play, to understand the absurdity of using the atomic bomb in principle, and leave hope and faith in the peaceful future of the entire planet.
In today's world, a very relevant topic is presented on the stage of the Telšiai Žemaitė Drama Theater, and the plot of the play "The Devil's Proposal", based on the play by the French playwright Michel Faure, allows you to recognize both yourself and your surroundings.