in 2003 August 29 - 31 we organized the international brass band festival "Mes vevinam Trakus", in which orchestras from Lithuania, Germany, and Slovakia participated. Although there were great impressions and good reviews, we realized that there are a lot of such festivals in Lithuania. We wanted something special, with a lasting impact on the project participants. Next to the festival, the idea was born to organize master's courses for brass bands, a fanfare orchestra, later for percussion, and even later - qualification improvement courses for education and culture specialists. We have found opportunities to attract top-level professionals: lecturers, soloists, artistic groups. We were looking for different concert spaces, we expanded the variety of genres. We decided to promote Lithuanian music by ordering works by Lithuanian authors especially for international fanfare orchestras. We extended the duration of the project to 7-8 days. In 2005, the "Trakė fanfare week" started, as we were aiming for.
In the years 2005-2022, 1970 participants from Lithuania and abroad (Estonia, Latvia, Austria, the Netherlands, Finland, Switzerland, Slovenia, Colombia, France, Germany) took part in the project, 145 free concerts of professional performers and talented young people took place, 93 lecturers, famous for their field specialists and performers, some of them several generations. There were 6 wind musical instrument exhibitions by Buffet Crampon, a world-renowned musical instrument manufacturing and distribution company that combines prestigious brands. The photo album "Mes vevinam Trakus" of "Trakė fanfarine week" was published. About 50,000 spectators visited the concerts. Lithuanian specialists rated the project as a priority in its genre, foreign specialists - as unique. In 2014, the website "The Culture Trip", which provides information on the best events in the world, listed 10 cultural events that should not be missed by foreign tourists visiting Lithuania in the summer. One of them is the international music festival "Trakai Fanfare Week".