What unites Čiurlionis, Darius & Girėnas and Vytautas Didysis? They all had super powers! We will reveal a secret - we, in Lithuania, have been patronized by the guild of superheroes for hundreds of years. It is an organization whose members live among us, and whose incredible talents emerge when other services are no longer able to help. As the people of the country live, so do their defenders, so the crisis that befell Lithuania is not overtaken by the supersonic (Ineta Stasiulytė), the immortal (Naglis Bierancas), emotion (Gailė Butvilaitė) and rage (Marius Repšys). The budget is missing. There is no unity. There is not much motivation left either. Fellow superheroes are emigrants. Public trust is destroyed. Public trust is destroyed.Will the Lithuanian superhero guild manage to rise from the bottom? Will the organization's new lawyer (Rafailas Karpis) manage to overcome the difficulties that have fallen? Will life in Lithuania return to the pre-crisis level?The theatrical comedy "Super Nereikalingi" full of sharp humor, bright colors and acid irony is embarking on its journey through Lithuania.