Next session: Sun, 27 Jul 2025, 14:00
Price:439.00 €
We are inviting the young actors to immerse in an unforgettable adventure for a week of theatre. For a whole week, participants will live the life of an actor and get to know the secrets of the acting profession: stage movement, acting, improvisation and hand shadow theatre techniques! They will spend each day in a playful and creative way and will move the shadow so much that they will have enough energy and spirit to last until next year's camp! On the last day of the camp, there will be a premiere of the performances created by the participants, to which the participants' families and friends are invited.
This camp will give the children the opportunity to get acquainted with the shadow theatre of the hands, to learn all kinds of different shadow shapes and to find out the details of how to create them themselves. In the hand shadow theatre workshop, children will develop not only their hands and their plasticity, but also their attention to detail and their imagination.
Camp leaders will pay great attention to children's feelings, emotions and self-reflection. After the sessions and at the end of the day, the children will learn to reflect with the leaders, to express and accept both compliments and criticism, and most importantly, to talk about how they feel now and how they felt during the day.
During the Stage Speaking sessions - children will learn to speak clearly and expressively, learn a variety of exercises that will develop their speech apparatus, discover their voice resonators and learn to express their thoughts and texts coherently not only on stage but also in life.
During the Stage Movement classes - children will increase the flexibility and plasticity of their body, learn to express feelings, characters and situations in the language of movement and dance, and learn to listen to their own body and the needs it dictates.
It is here that children will spend time and learn theatre skills with professional actors
A lot of attention will be paid not only to each individual, but also to learning how to work in teams. The children will have many theatrical, play-based tasks/exercises during the day, which will develop the children's sense and attention to the other person, to the team, and will encourage them to be more open and sensitive to the other.
During the acting classes - children will increase their sense of self-confidence, develop creativity, flexibility of thinking, expand their imagination, and learn the basics of acting-etudes, character creation.
The children will also live in cosy, modern rooms with amenities. Large outdoor spaces will allow children to be free to be and play in nature, and even in the rain, the camp has large indoor spaces, so that no activity or game will be interrupted.