Event description
Long is better than short. Long reaches more, encircles more, digs deeper, covers more, sees more clearly, gives more comfort, moves more, lasts longer, evokes more emotion, touches more hearts. And POSH is talking about the genre of theatrical improvisation - the long format, which requires the most skill, the most concentration of the company members, and at the same time gives the most freedom to create something amazing, powerful and memorable.
On Tuesday, 14 May, POSH will create a long-format improvised comedy at the Kaunas Chamber Theatre, inspired by the audience's catchphrases. Nobody knows what stories the improvisers will create on stage, but it is clear that it will be a good time, full of humour, surprises, enriched with funny comic situations and crowned with the sincerity of the troupe members.
Come have fun!
The members of POSH are the only ones in Lithuania to perform a technically challenging long-form improvised performance in the pretty flower format. The troupe is unique in that the members themselves create new improvisational numbers, reality shows, never seen anywhere else, one of which they will showcase in their performance ILGAS.
The POSH troupe has held themed improvised acting evenings on Valentine's Day, Lies and Jokes Day, Halloween Day, Easter, and has performed at festivals in various cities, at private events, and at corporate parties.
The group includes Aida Laukaitiene, Nijolė Vaičiūnienė, Alan Miežetis, Chionsas, Mindaugas Orlovas and Deividas Borodulinas.