Yes! The Wine Language is back! This time, stronger, more open and more colourful than ever!
WINE TALK is a gathering of the local natural wine community and enthusiasts, a party. As a banner of the consistent work and activity of the community, it has invited people to enjoy its fruits more than once and in more than one place, seeing its first light in 2021.
The Wine Language is not just about natural wine - it is a slogan that encompasses and carries the theme of focus, achieving common goals in the field with the help of each other, responsible consumption and multidimensional sustainability.
April 30th is the Natural Wine Party for all - those who have had the chance to experience it, and for those who haven't yet. There has never been a better platform to get to know the natural wine players, importers and the goodies they share and transport.
Where? Bar YDA, Etmonai patio.
Who? A journey of discovery of natural wine and community actors. A chance to taste at least 40 selected natural wines representing spring. A party afterwards.
Friends and participants:
Wine Pure
Grape! Natural
New Tasty