Next session: Wed, 3 Apr 2024, 19:00
Price:25.00 €
This Wednesday we meet in Tantric Breathing.
Tantra promotes the sacredness of the body and claims that the senses help to achieve enlightenment, ecstasy and joy. By weaving together the complementary threads, the masculine and feminine, light and dark, spirit and matter, self and other, we break out of double-mindedness, separation and enter into Wholeness.
The Tantric Breathing session is about balancing our Yin and Yang energies, our feminine and masculine. Breathing sessions use healing instruments, sounds and touch.
Conscious Breathing sessions are a time for self, for cleansing oneself in every way, on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels.
During the session, our conscious mind meets our subconscious mind and transformations take place according to our intention.
From the subconscious mind, we release various beliefs, fears or resentments, unhelpful programs.
Deep Circulatory Breathing is the most effective practice to bring us back to balance and harmony. By consciously breathing rhythmically during the session, we are filled with vital energy, which connects us to our highest potential, expanding our consciousness.
The price of the daily session is 25eur.
The number of places is limited, so registration is required:
Fb message: Neringa Janone
or phone: 869802204
The session lasts from 1.5 to 2 hours. It is recommended to wear comfortable clothes and not to eat for 1,5 hours before.
Neringa Janone is a certified teacher of the art of breathing, who is initiated to lead shamanic sessions of conscious breathing. Teacher of Kundalini, Air, Yin Yoga. Graduate of Innerdance Europe Association ID facilitator training. Completed training as a Master Facial Exchanger. She has also completed 3 years of training in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Philosophy, performing Tibetan Singing Bowl Sound Therapy, energy sessions, and leading the Life Game LILA. I am a mother of 4 wonderful children.
I am enjoying pure Presence. I invite you to come into Presence.