Group size up to 10 persons. Registration required:
19.00 registration link;
21.30. registration link.
As the Soviet era recedes, both temporally and emotionally, we invite you to look back once again at the everyday life that has already passed and to reflect on it from the perspective of today. What survival tactics did Soviet man have to learn? How do the phenomena that emerged then and their consequences play out in today's society?
In the exhibition, which takes place in a former detention centre and spans almost 20 cells, we will consider how difficult it was to navigate the perimeter of the traps. For some, seeing the exhibition will be a kind of therapy, for others it will be an opportunity to better understand the generations of their parents and grandparents. And which survival strategy would you choose?
Free admission from 6 pm to 11 pm (last visitors are admitted at 10.30 pm)