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The foundation of the modern Lithuanian state is its citizens. We often associate the word "citizen" with the passport, the main personal document. Today, we would probably be surprised to see a full-length photo in a passport with the words "grey hair". As Lithuania's political situation has changed, so have the circumstances in which passports are issued and their meaning. There was also a period when Lithuanian passports were referred to as passports of a "non-existent state" and were only used outside Lithuania.
On the night of the Museum, you are invited to The House of the Signatories to take part in an interactive game where you will search for passports from different periods, explore the stamps, symbols and clichés used in the documents. The game will culminate in the creation of a symbolic souvenir, so no one will leave The House of the Signatories empty-handed!
Game requires a smartphone.
Free admission to the museum from 6 pm to 11 pm (last visitors are admitted at 10:30 pm)