Event description
The new exhibition of archival photographs reveals the transformation of A. Smetona as a person and politician: how did a member of democratically-minded Lithuanian national associations and the Chairman of the Council of Lithuania, who continuously strived for unity and compromise in proclaiming Lithuania's independence by the resolution of 16 February 1918, later return to the presidency after the military coup of 1926 and turn into an authoritarian, who was called the Leader of the Nation? Why was his quest for power so strong that it was necessary to remove from power not only his former close comrade Augustinas Voldemaras, who had become a political rival, but also the entire Seimas? Why was it necessary to ban all political parties in the country, leaving only the Lithuanian Nationalist Union? The exhibition of photographs reveals not only the almost 15-year rule of the country, but also the transformation of the personality of President A. Smetona himself. Symbolically, the stand presenting the exhibition features two portraits of Smetona: on one side, a 1920 photograph of the democratic leader sitting on a bench, and on the other side, the authoritarian leader of the nation, pictured in 1928, sitting in an ornate armchair. The exhibition will be on show at the Historical Presidential Palace (Vilniaus g. 33, Kaunas) until 31 October.