Will we often hear the bluesman, who played with blues legends John Lee Hooker and Big Mama Thornton, in Lithuania? And who was also the solo guitarist of the legendary Canned Heat for three years? As if that weren't enough, the same bluesman went through the famous blues forge John Mayall's Bluesbreakers, where Eric Clapton and Peter Green made their names. Yes, these are all details and stages of Walter Trout's musical biography. And, as if that wasn't enough, on top of it all is a solid solo career. The first stamp of this is his debut album Life in the Jungle, released in 1989 and often regarded as one of the best in the blues-rock genre. 
A spectacular guitarist, a perfect blend of virtuosity and sensitivity, a brilliant songwriter and singer, Walter Trout is one of the standard bearers of the classic American blues rock sound. A sound that, while lyrical, is optimistic (Walter himself emphasises the tendency towards light in his work), and in which a long, expressive and telling guitar solo often takes centre stage. 
On 1 March, Trout's new album Broken was released, which, according to Trout himself, is dominated by more sombre themes, dealing with the world's issues and the stark contradictions between people. But nothing is irreparable - this is Trout's philosophy, which is also reflected in this album. Walter could not think otherwise, because he himself has been through hell, barely survived, relearning how to play the guitar and how to live, because when you are in a dark abyss, there is nothing left to do but cling to that single ray of light. 
The new album also features guest stars Beth Hart on vocals, Dee Snider of Twisted Sister, and lip-armonica virtuoso Will Wilde. The guitarist says it's important for him to feel his own growth and progress as a musician. So Trout is not only a blues-rock legend and icon, but also a musician who never stops searching and challenging himself.
Walter Trout - Guitar, Vocals
John Avila - Bass Guitar
Michael Leasure - Drums
Roland Bakker - Keyboards