Event description
The body is always reacting to factors beyond its control. Los Angeles-based American artist Chelsea Coon presents her latest works at Meno Park, exploring the changing relationship between body and space through gestures of endurance, desire and excess. Through performance, video, photography and sculpture, Coon asks how endurance is experienced differently on both a physical and emotional level in each work, and her work is created through repetition and contemplation. Coon questions how defects in materials or structures can be understood as useful metaphors for the body. The exhibition Heavy Metal speaks to the weight of frames on the body both directly and metaphorically. The body is always linked to factors beyond its control, and Heavy Metal explores the effects of being crammed into frames and how this can affect identity. In the video Grind (2024), which is presented in the exhibition, Chelsea Coon painstakingly attempts to dismantle by hand a steel bed frame, a symbol of intimacy and power. In the photographic series Forms (2024) and Reinforcements (2024), the artist captures a performance based on technology and the deconstruction of information in order to draw attention to how frames make bodies move and function in certain structural ways. The exhibition will be open at Meno parkas Gallery (27 Rotušės a. 27, Kaunas) until 14 July.