Sakhartvellian and all-Caucasian stars Bani Hill Band return to Lithuania this July with positive energy and new tracks. Young, enthusiastic and musically impeccable Bani are a real delicacy for your ears and eyes - definitely worth repeating.
The seven men of the Bani Hill Band command attention with their stunning vocals, impeccable instrumentation and original arrangements. Everyone sings - the unique polyphonic singing of Sakartveland is a UNESCO-recognised masterpiece of the world's polyphony, shaped over centuries and handed down from generation to generation. Together, they perform songs from all corners of their homeland and the music of other Caucasian peoples, bringing together the whole of Caucasian culture.
Each member of the group has their own unique skills - keyboardist Besik is one of the best operatic bass voices in all of Sakartvel, and accordionist Beso has built his own instrument - he makes a Kartvelian accordion every year. Mate, the main soloist of the group, enchants not only with his voice but also with his beautiful smile. Bani Hill Band's full sound is built on the Kartvelian symbol of the three-stringed panduri, the Kartvelian accordion, the frame drum and the modernly empowering keyboards, bass guitar and drums. The traditional panduri is a living heirloom without which the country's traditions are unimaginable. Widely spread throughout Sakartveli and traditionally played by both men and women, the panduri has always been a symbol of positive emotions, a symbol that no celebration is complete without, and if a disaster struck the family, the panduri would be hidden.
It is customary for Lithuanian and Kartvelian people to welcome each other as good friends. The same is true in music - the warm Carthusian temperament charms us, uplifts us and invites us to come together. The Bani Hill Band is very popular and has performed successfully on the big stages in P. Korea, India, Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands, Finland, Israel, Kazakhstan, the Czech Republic, Turkey, the Ukraine, and will be in Lithuania in 2024.