The Nerijaus Juškos Ballet School presents a neoclassical masterpiece, the one-act performance "Elements". It is a dynamic, modern and aesthetic performance, where you will see the most important elements for humanity: earth, fire, air, water.
The special physical training and professionalism of the students of the Nerijas Juška Ballet School, which is characteristic of the aestheticized movements of classical ballet, formed the emotional basis of movements necessary for neoclassical choreographic stylistics. The choreography of mass scenes, created with musicality, will extremely creatively and accurately convey the life of the earth, vigilance, the power and beauty of the water element, the hypnosis and dreaminess of air, the energy and strength of fire felt and expressed in the music of V. A. Mozart, L. Van Beethoven, A. Vivaldi, J. S. Bach.
We invite you to enjoy an unexpected and surprising performance by the Nerijas Juška Ballet School, which will take everyone into a hypnotic state thanks to the clarity of the visualizations and movements...