Anatoliy Shenderov - String Quartet Nr. 3
Arnold Schoenberg - "The Bright Night" Op. 4
"Joseph Aharonov is one of the most underrated composers of his time," said one of the most prominent composers of the 20th century. "Achron is the most celebrated composer of the 20th century. These words oblige us and remind us of the great personalities of the world of music who come from our country.
The first part of the concert will feature one of the most delicate works by Anatoly Shenderov - String Quartet No. 3. In the quartet, the author focuses on a deep unfolding and opening, and the idea of the work's finale - the first authentic sounds of a person who has just seen the world - sounds like a perpetual motion of being...
Incidentally, one of the most beautiful chamber music works by An. Schoenberg's "The Night has Broken", which will be interpreted by special guests from abroad - Boris Brovtsyn, a world-renowned violinist, a professor at the MUK, Vienna's private music university, and the concertmaster of the Bamberg Symphony Orchestra's and the National Symphony Orchestra of Estonia's cello bands, Estonian cellist Indrek Leivategija, together with some of the most outstanding Lithuanian artists, whose playing will be followed by a reading from Andrius Bialobžeskis.
Festival concert partner:
Lithuanian Council for Culture
Geros Valios fondas
Festival partners:
Lithuanian National Philharmonic
Concert Hall "Saulė"
Siaulių "Laiptų galerija"
VšĮ "Prabudimo orkestras"