Summer is a wonderful and magical time. The flowering meadows and trees enchant with their colours and scents, so it is natural that this inspires artists and we find these wonderful elements of nature in their work.
We invite you to the opening of the exhibition "Summer Herbs" by the folk artist, certified crafts master Adela Gančierė. After the opening - carving workshop with the author. During the workshop, Adelė will share how to make your own engraving, so you will be able to try your hand at engraving and printing a picture.
Adelė Gančierė is a master of certified traditional crafts of national heritage, a promoter of the old crafts of Easter egg-pie printing, woodcarving and cutting. Born in 1999 in Utena. In 2021 she graduated in graphic communication design from Vilnius College of Design. Currently she mainly creates wood and linen carvings, Easter eggs and participates in exhibitions in Lithuania and around the world. She is a laureate of numerous competitions and has already presented her art in New York, the United States, Italy and Cyprus.