The ensemble of young Lithuanian early music performers gathered especially for this programme offers the audience to be transported to Rome at the turn of the 16th-17th centuries, and its dynamic musical scene full of philosophical and aesthetic changes. The programme focuses on the rich heritage of the Roman
compositional school known as the stile antico and the influence of the famous Renaissance
composer Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina. The works of other composers who worked in Rome, such as Girolamo Frescobaldi and Luca Marenzio, illustrate the transition from the stile
antico to the stile moderno. The role of the Republic of the Two Nations in the European cultural field of the time is not neglected either, with Luca Marenzio and Giovanni
Francesco Anerio, who worked at the court of Sigismund Vasa, being featured in the programme, while Francesco Rognoni dedicated his famous diminutive treatise to the ruler.