A documentary play about the fate of three women in the face of historical genocides - Etty Hillesum, a Dutch Jewess (who died in Auschwitz during World War II), Joana Ulinauskaitė-Mureikienė, a Lithuanian woman (16 years old, deported to a Soviet camp after the war), and Natalia Skrinnik, a Ukrainian woman, who was held captive by the Russians for a month in a camp near Buche, at the outbreak of the Ukrainian war.
Three heroines, three epochs, three lives in the "barracks" - when a person is deprived of his identity, his human value, his future... When the only weapon left is faith, prayer, song. When in the face of despair, inner freedom awakens - stronger than coercion, opening up the invisible powers hidden in a person.
Excerpts from J.Ulinauskaitė-Mureikienė's memoirs "The Trials of Fate", fragments of E.Hillesum's letters and diaries are used in the performance (translated by A. Gudavičūtė and B. Mar). The story of the Ukrainian Natalia Skrinnik has been transcribed and translated by B.Mar.