"Self-Entertainment" is the fourth solo exhibition of A. Mitinas and the first one at the gallery "Meno niša". The idea of the exhibition is inspired not only by practice, but also by theoretical research at the intersection of the childish (Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, becoming-child) and the uncomfortable (Sigmund Freud, Unheimlich). Mitinas works as a sculpture teacher at the Grigiškės Art School, where he has tried his hand at working with ceramics and recycled materials, and from which, according to the artist, comes his experience of acute, expressive and experimental collective work. As the artist states, he understands painting as a sensory, tactile, multisensory medium. This is a relevant and little explored aspect of painting in Lithuania. "I also became acquainted with Sigmund Freud's concept of the "uncomfortable", which helped me to decode certain effects in art that are related to the corporeal and bodily memory, which are significant to me. When these elements - sensory painting and the uncanny - came together in theory, I started a research project in 2021, which I have continued ever since. The turn to the phenomenon of childishness is part of this broader investigation into the uncanny," the artist said about the concept of the forthcoming exhibition.