Event description
Meet us at the Sūduva Chapel Festival "Grok, Jurgeli 2025"! On 22 February, the fun-filled "Grok, Jurgeli" festival once again invites Shakians and visitors to spend a memorable evening with the great bands of the Sūdava region. The musicians will not only give you the most beautiful songs, but will also compete for the right to represent their region at the republican "Grok, Jurgeli 2025" festival in autumn. The bands are preparing for the competition and are looking forward to meeting the audience. The festival will feature folk songs that accompany us and make us happy on various occasions. ŽEMYNA Kybartai, PILVĖ Vilkaviškio r., GIMINĖS Kalvarija, SVAJA Marijampolė, VAIVORA Marijampolė r., LIEPALOTŲ Šakių r., PLIUMPA Kybartų r., GELGAUDIŠKIS Šakių r., VINGIS Vilkaviškis. Come together with your family, friends and neighbours, support all the bands with a warm applause and choose the best one! We are waiting for you on 22 February at 3 pm. Grok, Jurgeli 2025! Tickets distributed by Ticket Market and Šakiai Culture Centre