And it was like in life. More precisely, in the fairy tale, there was a "war for food" between the Mice and Potato kingdoms. Hungry Mice attacked the well-fed Potato Kingdom and kidnapped King Potato's daughter, the playful Princess Potato, as a prisoner. Young Radikėlis, a naive poet with a sensitive heart, who fell in love with her, saw this. In the crucial battle of Mice and Potatoes, the princess was tried to be freed by General Runkel from Ukraine, to whom King Potato promised her in return for her release. But unexpectedly, the young Radikėlis became his own hero-liberator. Everyone celebrated the victory. Baron Macaron from Italy also happened to come to the party...
According to composer Antanas Kučinskas, this playful, witty, dynamic tale is a metaphorical paraphrase of social conflict: Potatoes are the sleepy elite, Mice are the restless masses. However, the generational conflict (Princess Bulvytė - King Bulvė) or even the eternal conflict of the beginnings of drama and music can also be read. "The idealizing relationship of the fairy tale is replaced by irony, satire, which encourages a more open and honest look at the charm and stupidity of human nature. I think it accurately responds to today's situation, so the fairy tale should be not only fun entertainment, but a relevant and meaningful opera for children and their parents," said the composer.