Dance Day "Bridges of the Ages"The Dance Day concert always surprises the audience with the massive number of performers - as many as 9,000 performers appear on stage. Dancers create impressive compositions on the square, and the eyes of the audience are running, trying to catch spins, steps, hand gestures. The compositions are performed so organically, as if all the dancers rehearse every day in a circle of thousands.
The symbol of the bridge chosen for the Dance Day concert will respond to the emphasis of the flow and change of time, the understanding of the meaning of being, and the continuity of the best of the nation and the tradition of the Song Festival, encoded in the title of the Song Festival "Kad giria žaliuatių". In folklore, the bridge is understood as an all-encompassing, multi-meaning connection between the worlds of earth and sky, people and gods, existence and non-existence, beginning and end, real and imaginary, youth and old age, own and other cultures.
The program of the dance day concert "Bridges of the Ages" includes four-part artistic performances by dance groups of all ages. The most important idea of the Dance Day program is the eternal search for one's own bridges, leading to the harmony of man, nature, nation and state.