Hate to Love: Nickelback is a 2023 Canadian documentary film directed by Leigh Brooks. The film profiles the Canadian rock band Nickelback, centering on their evolution from one of the most commercially successful rock bands in the world in the 2000s, to one of the most culturally reviled rock bands in the world in the 2010s.
The film premiered at the 2023 Toronto International Film Festival.
David Fear of Rolling Stone wrote, "To call Hate to Love a vanity project is giving it too much credit. It is merely something that follows a tried-and-true formula, and uses it to tell the story of a highly divisive band that could really be the story of any band, or every band. This is how it reminds you that Nickelback is a Canadian rock group, and what more do you need to know than that? The movie simply repeats that basic tenet over and over, loudly and without any sense of self-consciousness. Which truly makes this the Nickelback of rock docs."