Next session: Thu, 9 May 2024, 19:30
Price:33.80–50.00 €
Opening Concert
Symphonic jazz compositions composed especially for the opening concert of Vilnius Spring Festival!
About Vilnius JJAZZ Ensemble
The Vilnius JJAZZ Ensemble, a jazz orchestra founded in 2022 under the direction of composer Jievars Jasinskis, has as one of its main missions to bring Lithuanian jazz to the forefront in terms of both performance and creative aspects.
The goal of Vilnius JJAZZ Ensemble is to encourage young and experienced jazz composers to create original compositions, thus expanding the repertoire of Lithuanian big band compositions, which has not yet been very rich. Over the last year, a number of works have been created, which have been warmly welcomed in various concert halls and outdoor festivals.
"Collaboration with the St. Christopher Chamber Orchestra is a unique opportunity to create an innovative symphonic/jazz sound by writing music for big bands and string orchestra. The sound of the string orchestra will not only enrich the scores of the jazz works, but also provide new colours and sonic possibilities when experiencing the sound of symphonic jazz," say the members of the Vilnius JJAZZ Ensemble.
The composers of the Vilnius JJAZZ Ensemble are Jievaras Jasinskis, Liutauras Janušaitis, Karolis Šarkus, Donatas Petreikis, Gediminas Strupinskas and Apolinaras Dubauskas.
The concert is dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Lithuania's membership in the EU and NATO.
Main participants:
Vilnius JJAZZ Ensemble
Sv. Kristofors Chamber Orchestra, director and conductor Modestas Barkauskas