"LENsemble" (Lithuanian Ensemble Network) presents an intriguing programme, carefully prepared in collaboration with German composer and creative director of one of Europe's leading electronic music studios Experimentalstudio des SWR Thomas Hummel.
Nowadays, the world is on the verge of the widespread adoption of artificial intelligence. It is on this theme - the intersection of live and virtual life, the dialogue between the human and the algorithmic - that the programme invites us to listen to the open connections between these two worlds.
Gregory Kharaneka. Foam cycle(premiere) | 3 performers Augustė Dūdaitė. Žãlia(premiere) | for ensemble Vykintas Baltakas.Neon sea (2019) | for ensemble and electronics Aion. Improvisation with Artificial IntelligenceThomas Hummel (Germany). Sinaida Kowalenko(LT premiere)| for live and virtual ensembles (text: Svetlana Alexievitsch)