Vytautas Magnus Trio (violinist Raimondas Butvila, A. Paley and M. D. Sakavičius) will present the composer's 4th and 5th sonatas, otherwise known as the Spring Sonatas, and the Kakadu Variations based on Wenzel Müller's theme Ich bin der Schneider Kakadu, in a concert entitled "I am a Kakadu tailor". When asked why the works in this cycle are worthy of the name "testament", Alexander Paley says that every passage of Beethoven's music is like a testament. The pianist considers the opportunity to delve into Beethoven's chamber music, to perceive it as a whole, to live it, to be a great gift, which allows him to get to know it in a new way every time he touches another piece. At the same time, these experiences also give the opportunity for music-making with stage partners to flourish, to grow, to create together.