
Czerwone Gitary 55th Anniversary Platinum concert

Czerwone Gitary 55th Anniversary Platinum concert


Event description

 Czerwone Gitary (Red Guitars) were called the Polish Beatles and, just like them, in 1969 at the Record Fair in Cannes (France) they won the Trophėe du MIDEM award. Their popularity in Poland, the Soviet Union, Germany and neighboring countries matched that enjoyed by the Big Four from Liverpool.

The Beatles band has been gone for fifty years, and Czerwony Gitary still performs, records and continues to be successful.

Czerwony Gitary is a legend of Polish popular music. Their great hits are known and sung by all generations of Poles. Their concerts still attract crowds of fans. They have fantastic contact with the audience, with whom they sing all their hits, such as: "Just like you", "Mountains are on fire, forests are on fire", "We will not rest", "The story of one acquaintance", "No one in the world knows", " White cross", "Let's go back to the lakes", "When I call you again", "Flowers in your hair", "Tell me, man, where have you been", "Autumn is coming through the park".

In 2000, CZG won the "Polityka" magazine's plebiscite for the best Polish music band of the 20th century. They also received the Prometheus 2000 award for the greatest artistic achievements in stage art and special merits for Polish culture.

2000 m. Red Guitars laimėjo žurnalo "Polityka" plebiscita už geriausia XX amžiaus lenkų muzikos group. Jie taip pat gavo "Prometheus 2000" appdovanojima už didžiausius meno apiary mene ir ypatingus nuopelnus lenkų kultūrai.