Frank Wildhorn, Norman Allen and Jack Murphy's musical "Karmen" tells a modern story based on the well-known short story by Prospero Mérimée, which was made famous by G. Bizet's opera of the same name. However, these aforementioned works gave the authors of the musical only the characteristics of the main characters of the story and the essence of the plot. In the new musical, the relationship between the main characters, the development is directed in a direction much closer to today, the action takes place in our days, so the context of the story is closer and more understandable. Carmen here is a modern circus performer famous for her uniquely daring stunts. Karmen justifies the qualities attributed to her name - incomprehensible courage, desire for the joy of life and reckless goal pursuit... This is also reflected in the energetic, dramatic musical material and interestingly interwoven plot lines. Next to the main Carmen, José, García triangle, another triangle intertwines in the musical - José, Katarina and a new character - Katarina's father. The latter is the mayor of the city where the action takes place, which is not only associated with the obvious criminal environment, but is simply the main representative of such activities. In the musical, the famous Carmen story takes unexpected turns, which are determined by the creators' desire to give the well-known drama a modern twist.
The music of the musical is loosely connected with the traditions of flamenco music and dance, so Lithuanian specialists in this unique Spanish folklore worked with the artists during the rehearsal process: dancer Beata Molytė, singer Brigita Bublytė and guitarist Andrius Masilionis, they gave folklore art mastery classes, helped prepare the roles in which the characters of the heroes flamenco dance and singing manner will be widely used to unfold.