During this interactive education, young and old audiences will have the opportunity to join two travelling puppeteers. They have travelled all over the world, speak many different languages, but in their hearts they have always been and will always be true Lithuanians, and the Lithuanian language is their favourite language! Because this language is extraordinary... It has one magical letter that no other language in the world has.
This is a very important letter for Lithuanians. Like true wizards, they create magic and breathe life into things every day. Words are not enough for them - they need magic words. This is exactly what the word "doll" is, and it even has two of the most unique letters in its name!
This education is a playful game with language and culture and a sincere pride in the treasures and uniqueness of the Lithuanian language and culture. During the education participants will learn a lot not only about the different symbols and mythical characters of Lithuanian culture, but also about puppet theatre.