The performance "Mother's milk" is based on the novel of the famous contemporary Latvian writer Nora Ikstena. This is the story of a mother and daughter in Soviet Latvia in 1969-1989, and also the history of the country from Soviet stagnation to the declaration of independence. Everything is very recognizable - both the Soviet school, and the freezing ruthlessness of the system, and the sense of impending freedom... Also, looking back to the recent past raises fundamental questions about the states and choices of our modern society.
Birutė Mar plays two roles in the play - mother and daughter. The mother is a doctor, the daughter of an exile, from whom the Soviet authorities take away everything: not only her professional future and identity, but also the joy and meaning of life. Her daughter is the opposite of her mother, full of lust for life by nature. This is a story about the emotional ice wall that a mother uses to protect herself from her daughter - out of love and the desire to protect. About dislike, which is like salvation; about an environment where everything turns into poison - even mother's milk.