MultiZaurs Virtual Journey to Dinosaur World! The multimedia show "MultiZauruses" is a virtual journey into the world of dinosaurs on the big screen, with a cast of scientists from the Teleportation Centre. You'll enter a mysterious island, spend many millions of years, see reptiles come to life on the big screen, explore dinosaur footprints, try to communicate with dinosaurs in the same language, and even help dinosaurs' offspring erupt. And most importantly, you'll be on a tough mission to save the island and all the dinosaurs from a fiery volcano. Control natural phenomena and travel through time with unique LED bracelets. Dive into the world of dinosaurs! How is MultiZaurs different from other children's shows? THIS IS A NEW SHOW FORMAT Performances using multimedia technology and LED devices have recently taken over European capitals. However, our show is entirely created by scriptwriters, designers, technicians and animators. EVERY WATCHER is a PART OF THE SHOW You don't just watch the exciting action, you actively participate in it. Each viewer receives an interactive wristband that helps you control the show's storyline and gives you superpowers.
"MultiZaurs Virtual Journey to the World of Dinosaurs! Sessions