Piotr Schmidt Quartet is an acoustic ensemble of the renowned Polish trumpeter, known for his many recordings over the last 15 years. The current line-up debuted at the Love Polish Jazz Festival in 2021, during which the performers gave their first public performance of material from the album Komeda Unknown 1967.
In 2023 Piotr won several nominations: first prize as Polish jazz trumpeter and fourth prize as Polish jazz musician.
Piotr Schmidt, born 1985, is a jazz trumpet player, music producer, bandleader, publisher and associate lecturer at the Department of Jazz at Nysa. He graduated from the Academy of Music in Katowice, where he received his Doctor of Musical Arts degree in 2016. Schmidt was awarded a scholarship from the University of Louisville, Kentucky, USA in 2006, In the early years of his career, he won numerous individual awards and grand prizes in many international jazz competitions between 2006 and 2010.
The Peter Schmidt Quartet encourages listeners to engage in a mysterious world of jazz fairy tales, full of unusual and captivating melodies, but also allows the audience to create extraordinary emotions.
Piotr's list of collaborations includes many well-known Polish artists and musicians from the USA, and recently he has been working closely with the Lithuanian Kęstutis Vaiginis, who will be the guest of honour at this concert.