Sunday, December 31, 5 and 8 p.m. French Seasons Jean-Pierre Van Hees (Musée, France) Tobie Miller (Roller, Canada, Switzerland) Orchestra CAPPELLA TEMPORALE Manager CHRISTIAN FRATTIMA The program includes works by Nicolas Chédeville / Antonio Vivaldi's "Seasons" (1739), wonderful Baroque melodies and surprises
Discounts are available for pupils, students, seniors and the disabled (the number of places with discounts is limited!). Tickets will be expensive.
The concerts take place in the Great Renaissance Art of the Palace of the Lords. Some concerts with a break. Late listeners will only be admitted during the break.
Please do not bring children of preschool age to the concert. We invite them and the whole family to educational sessions at the Palace of Lords.
Events are photographed.
FRENCH SEASONS Baroque melodies and musical surprises Sessions