Event description
"Diver" is a personal exhibition of paintings that invites you to look at everyday, borderline human states. It is an experimental leap into the primordial relationship between one's inner and outer surroundings, seeking a purified sense of self, and a simplification of the environment and objects. It focuses on the principles of ordinariness and self-care. The exhibition combines different spatiotemporalities of life, incorporates childhood memories, and fictionalised plots of place and action. Gradually descending from the shore of the noise of consciousness to the bottomless bottom of the subconscious in the space of terra nullius, another amplitude of the artist is revealed - NARAS. When asked about the idea of the exhibition, S. Klivytė said that it was born out of her own way and outlook on life and her years of maturity spent with her grandparents in the countryside. "In a quiet, slowed-down everyday life, surrounded by nature, I created for myself a luxury, maybe even a game, about seeing the world with my own eyes. Sometimes I would make up stories about the gooseberry tree, I would lie down in the grass and watch the sun bunnies twitching in the strawberry leaves, I had an enemy spider in the woodshed. That is why the title "Diver" (diving, changing location, moving, reaching for something, but at the same time being carried by the current) combines different spatiotemporalities of life, the adventures of a child and an adult, the existent, fictional and actual manifestations of everyday life, emotional states, and, finally, the process of self-exploration itself," says the artist. The exhibition will be on view at Meno Niša Gallery (J. Basanavičiaus g. 1/13, Vilnius) until 22 March 2024.