"A Colourful Dream" (author and director Ina Levickienė). Unforgettable rehearsals in the dance hall and workshops with one of the most famous Lithuanian ballerinas - Kristina Tarasevičiūtė and other famous Lithuanian choreographers, gave you the opportunity to present a ballet production in Telšiai. The dance miniature "A Colourful Dream" is only the main part of the performance, which was opened with a lively start by the puppets created by the theatre's artist Giedrė Slavinskienė. The curious ZUZU (act. Margarita Bladženauskaitė) and the dreamy LULU (act. Aistė Korkadinovaitė-Šiaudkulienė) invited the little audience to a REAL dream, a time of wonderfully cosy reality, where the puppets came to life. We would also like to thank Aina Zinčiukaite, the designer of the most amazing costumes, for the realistic portrayal of the characters on stage, all the staff of our theatre and, most importantly, the young dancers, and their leader and the author of the idea, the choreographer of the Telšiai Žemaitė Drama Theatre, Ina Levickiene.