May 9, 5pm. PLUNGĖ CULTURE CENTRE Plungė Culture Centre Theatre "SAULA" youth group performance, based on Juno Dawson's novel "ŠVARI" N-14 "For many years I couldn't understand my addiction, I thought everything was fine and I could stop anytime. Addiction is a disease of denial - you always try to justify your behaviour or use by saying that today is the last time I will use and I won't do it again. We are trying to deceive ourselves". The play "Clean" N-14, invites you to talk about addiction, the most painful, shocking and urgent problem of our time. Addiction to medicines, drugs, food, alcohol, tobacco, gambling, sex, etc.
HEADS: Klaudija Daukšaitė, Deivydas Bertašius, Rugilė Jurevičiūtė, Adomas Laurinaitis, Titas Lapkauskas, Akvilė Arlauskaitė, Skaistė Zdanavičiūtė, Sunė Valančiutė, Gedas Andruška, Kajus Gaudutis, Ugnius Raudys, Jokūbas Laivys, Dovilė Jacenko, Justė Vauraitė, Gabija Saudargaitė, Vesta Verenkevičiūtė, Viltė Venckutė, Kajus Chareckij, Barbora Laivytė, Justė Lukošiutė, Deimantė Vikniutė, Sunė Vilimaitė, Karolis Mačernis, Milda Valančiutė, Guoda Čiuželytė, Romena Grabauskaitė.