You try to eliminate the personal pronoun "I" one day and be a whole," director Naubertas Jasinskas.
The theatrical experience "Vegetative State" created by a large creative team invites the viewer to look at the world from a perspective that opens up after putting aside the human ego. During the session, twelve viewers will experience personalized and unique experiences, when with lights, sounds, audio texts recorded by the actors, smells, each participant of the performance will feel what it means to be in a vegetative state and as if to see yourself from the outside.
"Vegetative state" was created based on the play of the playwright Manuela Infante, the structure of which is adapted to various stages of plant life, and essential transformations are recorded. They make it possible to change the principles of human perception of the environment and allow the participant of the performance to experience a vegetative state that engages, calms and helps to look at the world from a different angle. The creators are looking for ways to understand the patterns of human existence as a species in the theatrical experience.