Medieval European history is full of intriguing moments. One of them is the enigmatic story of Hameln, the rat sorcerer who strangled 130 boys. What kind of music could this flautist have played? Why did he lure away children who were never found? What is the power of the flute? 19 October. The different versions of this story, combined with melodies representing the tradition of the German minnesingers of the late 13th century, will be performed by the medieval transverse flute player Norbert Rodenkirchen (Germany) and the National Prize-winning actress Jurate Onaitytė (Lithuania) at the Beatričė Kleizaitė-Vasaris Art Gallery in Marijampolė, Lithuania. We invite you to listen to the concert programme "Medieval Flute Music: In the Footsteps of Hameln's Rat Enchanter", based on medieval travelling musicians' tunes, which could have been played by Hameln himself.
Norbert Rodenkirchen - medieval flutes (Germany)
Jūratė Onaitytė - actress-reader (Lithuania)
Medieval flute music: in the footsteps of Hamelin's rat conjurer Sessions