Dolce far niente (Sweet idleness in Italian) is a musical performance consisting of well-known arias, duets, and ensembles from different operas, creating a new theatrical narrative that has little to do with the plots of the operas used. Here, the music will become the creator of the atmosphere, and you will hear famous arias in a possibly completely unexpected context.
This musical performance Dolce far niente will invite the audience to a sweet and light dinner of an aristocratic family, whose participants will also feel like the audience of the performance. Against the background of a carefree dinner, as boredom sets in, the image of a family idyll slowly begins to dissolve: in the course of the evening, everything gets out of control and the real, undisguised faces of the family and their relationships begin to emerge. Will this be the last family dinner together?
The project is part of the Vilnius 700th anniversary program. The initiator of the celebration is the Vilnius City Municipality, the curator of the program is the Vilnius Tourism and Business Development Agency "Go Vilnius". The implementation of the program is financed by the Vilnius City Municipality and the Chancellery of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania. Read more about the anniversary program at