For several years now, the theater choir, led by Česlovs Rajiūnas, has received special attention and nice words from both the audience and critics after the premieres, emphasizing the beautiful sound of the choir and its professionalism. This time, the LNOBT choir invites you to the concert Hear My Voice, dedicated to the days of Mourning and Hope and the Days of Occupation and Genocide, in memory of those whose sacrifice is neither forgotten nor meaningless. Vilnius St. John the Baptist and St. The sacred music works of M. K. Čiurlionis, V. Augustinas, D. Zakars, A. L. Webber, G. Caccini, G. Bizet, and G. Fauré will be played in the Church of John the Apostle and Evangelist. Music, listening to which revives hope, strengthens the soul.