"Bambeklis Bajoras" is a performance for the little ones by Aidas Giniotis, the founder, actor and director of Keistuoliu Theater, which preserves the best "weird" traditions of children's performances and invites the audience to immerse themselves in the imaginative story of a nobleman from Lithuania's odyssey around the world. As in many other performances of Keistuoliu Theater for children, " "Bumblebee Bajore" features songs performed by talented and well-known actors, and an engaging, humorous story will not leave any small audience without a smile.
This performance is the continuation of A. Giniotis' trilogy of plays for children based on Lithuanian folk motifs. By 1993 "Jonos Kareivios" who appeared on the stage of Keistuliai Theater, "Mykolos Žvejos" who arrived a little later, and "Juzės Dykaduonis", who settled in the Vilnius Youth Theater in 2002, are joined by "Bambeklis Bajoras" after more than a decade.
Like the previous performances, "Bambeklis Bajoras" is a story about a special person with a special last name, which became a sign of his fate and determined his future life. An eminent nobleman living in a Lithuanian village realizes one day that his native land is too small and too desolate for him: neither the houses, nor the fields, nor the people seem to fit his noble origin anymore. The only way out is to go out into the wide world and find a suitable profession for yourself, a distinguished person. Passing through cities and villages, overcoming the widest seas and lagoons, visiting the most remote corners, Bajor meets the most interesting and strange people, but he does not succeed in discovering his most important goal - his true calling. Only after measuring the whole motley world in steps and returning to the abandoned Lithuanian land, it becomes clear to Bajor - the most noble and dearest land is not overseas, but in his own village with his friends and neighbors.