Jazz music lovers have been eagerly waiting for the Birštonas Jazz Festival, which has been held every other year since the 1980s. This year, we decided to shorten the wait and dedicate the first "Birštonas Summer Music" concert to the Birštonas Jazz Festival and the irreplaceable organizer of the festival, Zigmas Vileikis.
Zigmas Vileikis is well known to all Lithuanian musicians, but he is especially respected and loved by fans of jazz music. It is an extraordinary pleasure to play music in the great halls of Birštonas, to feel the invisible care of the owners and respect for the performers. Living in Biršton since 1980, Z. Vileikis first headed the city's Culture Department, and since 1990 July 1 is the director of the Culture Center of Birštonas Municipality. For services to culture and promoting the name of Lithuania in 2004. Z. Vileikis was awarded the medal of the Order "For Services to Lithuania" in 2022. earned the badge of honor of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania "Carry your light and believe" and the "Golden Phoenix" award of the Association of Lithuanian Cultural Centers in the nomination "Best cultural center manager of the year".