Cuerdas españolas (lit. Spanish strings) is a temperamental duel between piano and classical guitar, reflecting the colorful national character of Spain, fully expressed in the work of the country's composers.
The stylistics of Spanish music enchants with beauty, the secret of its uniqueness is authentic folklore. The origins of national music, born in the Iberian culture (6th century BC), are later revealed in different regions with a distinctive, bright color. Intimate folk songs, the clatter of flamenco dance heels, as if the strings of instruments heated by fire speak of the determination to burn in the flames of love for a person or religion.
The program will feature the works of E. Granada, J. Rodrigo, I. Albeniz and M. Castelnuovo-Tedesco.
Après-midi: doors open at 4 p.m. We invite you to take a look and discover the salon space, meet old faces or make new acquaintances while enjoying a glass of sparkling wine. Soon the musical performance begins, accompanied by stories and stories. At the end - conversations, a cup of tea and dessert.