
Mushroom peace

Mushroom peace


Opis wydarzenia

"Morning. As she does every day, Kelmute wakes up her children and listens to the ten dreams they have dreamt during the night... Lepshi calls on the fog to finally return and allow him to complete his self-portrait, a genius masterpiece. Kazlekas prepares for a big event - the opening of his forest teahouse. Bobausis collects morning drops from the pine trees to create a new scent. Wolf and Lynx are sunbathing and dreaming about where to celebrate their birthdays this year, Little Mummy is getting ready for her wedding, and nobody suspects that soon the news will spread throughout the forest, changing everyone's lives: the mushrooms are being called to battle. Silence falls, and with it comes the question: what to do now?"

 "The Peace of Mushrooms" is a concert programme for children, based on one of the most popular works of the literary classic Justinas Marcinkevičius - the poem "The War of Mushrooms". Only this time, the mushrooms decided not to talk about war, but about peace, devotion, sacrifice and love of neighbour, home, land and language, carefully revealing the damage that can be done by following vanity, arrogance and egoism. This story took place many years ago, but the mushrooms still remember it, it is in their roots. They have made a promise to pass this story on from one generation to the next, so that no one will ever forget: the earth does not need war. The heart does not need war. We need love and the opportunity to live without fear, to create a world where life is peaceful, safe and good.